Virtues: Always a Choice, Never a Mandate

Just a reminder that you can sign up to receive email notification each week when I post a blog…sign up link is at the very bottom of this blog page.   For more on “What is A Virtue?” or to see other blog posts, click on this link:...


Blog post for September 9, 2021   Jon and Carolyn Freeman are great friends of Julee’s and mine whom we met while living in Baja Mexico several years back. It was one of those “meant to be” moments when we met as strangers in passing and I felt...

Honoring others Joel Moody is a cousin-in-law that my wife Julee and I are very close to. Joel has taught me so much and been such an encouragement to me. Joel offers the following regarding the virtue of Honoring: “The past year of my life...

The Power of One

August 25, 2021 I tell the story in one of the Virtues on the website of the man who went walking on the ocean beach, where he spotted a young boy tossing starfish that were left high and dry by the tide, back out into the ocean. The man exclaimed, “What do you...

Welcome to LBV blog site!

I want to thank and welcome those of you who have signed up to be notified each time I blog, which will be once a week usually. If you haven’t signed up, there is a place on the bottom of the blog page, and each blog post where you can do so.  You won’t...