Watch your thoughts, they become your words;

Watch your words, they become your actions;

Watch your actions, they become your habits;

Watch your habits, they become your character;

Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Lao Tzu

To be self-disciplined is to exercise restraint, prudence, right intention, patience, and perseverance, among other virtues.

Submit your personal story or favorite illustration, quote, Bible verse, etc. that illustrates a specific virtue to [email protected], then click on the virtue of your choice on the Virtues page to see your story or the stories and illustrations of others.

June 23, 2021

“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”    (ANNIE DILLARD, THE WRITING LIFE)

June 23, 2021

Russell Wilson of the Seahawks speaking at Yankees spring training:

“One of the things we keep talking about is this consistency and this obsession with doing it right every day and having a routine that you stick to. That creates winning habits. And winning is a habit.”

June 23, 2021

The following is from my daily journal (AN):

“The fact that there is “wise discipline” indicates that unwise discipline also exists. Unwise discipline is discipline that is unnecessary, unproductive, and simply frustrates and alienates the person that is under that discipline. The question is “What is God doing?” What is he wanting to reveal and accomplish in the lives of His children? We need to not only discipline children, we need to help them see the need for and benefits of, discipline in their life. We need to see it for ourselves. Studying the book of Proverbs is a great way to do that. Forced discipline is “religion.” Embraced discipline is life. God I pray for my grandsons that they will embrace discipline in their lives and find real life.”